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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2008/01/31 joint

Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission
New London/Sunapee Joint Quarterly Meeting
January 31, 2008
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Charles Smith, Aaron Simpson, David Montambeault- Vice-Chairman, Theodore Gallup, Paul Manson.
Absent: Tracy Nangeroni, Helen Charpentier.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Jessie Levine, Richard Lee, Larry Ballin, Brian Prescott, Anthony Bergeron, Steve McGrath, Herb Tobey, Regina McCalmont, Walter Goddard.

The Vice-Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:26 p.m.

Jessie L. introduced Brian Prescott as a new Selectman for New London.
September 27, 2007 Joint Meeting Minutes: Jessie L. pointed out that she was not listed as present and needed to be added to list of attendees and it was noted that the second page date was incorrect, Larry B. made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Aaron S., There was some discussion regarding variable speed pumps and if utilizing these at the Georges Mills Pump station would be feasible to alleviate the smells coming from the force main due to air releases. After some discussion regarding why there is a need for the air release valves and the age of the pumps, Sunapee voted in favor of the motion, New London voted in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chairman.

Odors at Dewey Beach Area:  There was some discussion regarding why the force main needs air release valves and where the valves are located. Aaron S. feels that finding a solution to the odors from these valves would require engineering. Regina M. reported where the smells seem to be coming from. Dave B. stated that he has contacted Stantec and has received a proposal for them to locate the issue and give recommendations on how to alleviate the odors. Regina M. questioned if there were any other communities that have the same issues. Dave B. stated that he has spoken with Granite State Rural Water’s staff members and they have dealt with similar issues in other towns. There was some discussion regarding the variable speed pumps as an option. There was much discussion with regards to where the smells are coming from. The Commission would time the testing so that the smells are assessed when they are worse. There was some discussion regarding the Garnet Hill Line. Aaron S. made a motion to approve spending up to $6,000 to investigate the odor issue, seconded by Charles S., after some discussion regarding letting Stantec decide where the line needs to be tested, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman
Next Joint Quarterly Meeting:  Jessie L. pointed out that the next joint quarterly meeting should be on April 24th.
Treatment Plant Road Bridge:  Tony B. updated the Commission on the Treatment Plant Road bridge issues and what was going on with it. He reported that there is now a Bailey bridge in place for a temporary solution. Charles S. questioned what the final cost of repairing the bridge would be? Tony B. stated that the temporary bridge cost approximately $50,000 to rent, and of the total cost of the repair the eligible for state help amount would be $587,000 so the State would cover $469,000 and the cost to the Town would be $142,000. Charles S. mentioned what had gone on with Sunapee Springs a few years ago. Chalres S. made a motion to withdraw $50,000 from one of the water & sewer funds to donate to the town to help with the cost of the bridge, seconded by David M., there was some discussion regarding needing a town vote on the issue. There was some discussion regarding Sunapee Springs and what the issue had been with their trucking on the road. Theodore G. questioned how the users would feel about paying for the bridge. Tony B. gave a synopsis regarding another bridge that had to be replaced and the reasoning on the Town costs. Theodore G. would like to table the discussion, David M. withdrew his second. Charles S. stated that the Commission had approached the Selectboard to help with the cost of running Granliden’s line up Jobs Creek Road, he believes that making a gesture to help with the cost of the bridge would be beneficial. Jessie L. would like to have notice of any meeting at which this issue will be discussed if the discussion would include New London paying a portion for the bridge.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Highlights:  Dave B. reported that the bridge issue has stopped all hauling out of the tank and that he has purchased a 100 foot geo-bag and that he had filled it today. He did manage to put 6 truckloads in the bag despite the freezing of everything that was being worked with. There was some discussion regarding not having implemented the idea that Charles S. had shown at the last meeting for moving of the bags for disposal. There was some discussion regarding how long to keep the bag and how difficult disposal could be.
Dave B. reported that the plant seems to be running fairly well and that he just did his toxicity testing and thinks it will be fine this year. Dave B. reported that the alkalinity has been low and that he is proposing adding something other than lime to help with the alkalinity issue. He is pursuing a better chemical for solving the problem and may have Bob Urban come to see what will work.
There was some discussion regarding the meters and the pro-control sheets.
Jessie L. stated that their new administrative assistant would be starting next week.
Richard L. has looked into manhole meters and he passed out some pricing for them, the cost is $11,000 for 2 meters, 2 rings and the software.

8:00 p.m. Charles S. made a motion to adjourn the joint quarterly meeting, seconded by Larry B., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2008.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Tracy Nangeroni, Chairman                               David Montambeault, Vice-Chairman

_________________________________               __________________________________
Aaron Simpson                                   Charles Smith

_________________________________               __________________________________
Helen Charpentier                                       Theodore Gallup                 

Paul Manson                                             Brian Prescott

Larry Ballin                                            Mark Kaplan